
Poeri Devata Resort Hotel
+62 274 496453
From US$ 80

The grandest hotel at Prambanan but a bit over-priced for the standard of accommodation provided. Decent swimming pool, restaurant and they can arrange car and bicycle hire.

Candi View Hotel
Jalan Candi Sewu, Prambanan
+62 274 7151222
Rp 160,000

Simple budget hotel on the main entrance road towards the rear of the complex.

Hotel Galuh
Jl Manisrenggo, Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia
+62 274 496855

Mid market hotel which is popular with local tour groups. Located just to the north east of the main complex. Has a swimming pool and two tennis courts.

There are a few hotels here if you want to spend the night not such a bad idea if you want to see Prambanan before the crowds arrive and before the heat of the day sets in. However, most visitors day trip from Yogyakarta or Solo.